- johnkenyonbrowningLorenschieber
- Anzahl der Beiträge : 14
Ort / Region : Australia
Name : 65
Anmeldedatum : 31.07.15
Henschel Riesa 25212
Do 16 Apr 2020, 07:10
Der neue Besitzer von Henschel 25212 möchte etwas über seine Geschichte erfahren. Ich kann nur folgendes finden:
Henschel D 25212 1944 Riesa Bt 750 neues Bergbauunternehmen Hibernia / 19xx privat, Charles Davies, Marquette / IA [USA]
Es ist jetzt in Kalifornien.
Gibt es Details, zum Beispiel als es Deutschland verlassen hat?
Danke vielmals
John, Brisbane, Australien
Henschel D 25212 1944 Riesa Bt 750 neues Bergbauunternehmen Hibernia / 19xx privat, Charles Davies, Marquette / IA [USA]
Es ist jetzt in Kalifornien.
Gibt es Details, zum Beispiel als es Deutschland verlassen hat?
Danke vielmals
John, Brisbane, Australien
- hfb312Museumsbahndirektor
- Anzahl der Beiträge : 2445
Ort / Region : Frankfurt a.M.
Hobbies : Feldbahn (-dampfloks) und andere Oldtimer aller Art, Reisen, Fotografie
Name : in den besten Jahren
Anmeldedatum : 15.10.07
US 750mm Riesa
Do 16 Apr 2020, 11:57
Dear John,
- can you please introduce the new owner to us (Peter Nott?) and post a newer picture of the locomotive?
- what kind of information are you looking for?
Hibernia AG was one of the biggest mine operators in the Ruhr valley with lots of coal mines where the Riesa might have worked. See:
[Sie müssen registriert oder eingeloggt sein, um diesen Link sehen zu können]
Here are their former mines (place/name of the mine):
- Herne (Zeche Shamrock 1/2 und Zeche Shamrock 3/4)
- Waltrop (Zeche Waltrop)
- Recklinghausen (Zeche General Blumenthal)
- Herten (Zeche Schlägel & Eisen)
- Gelsenkirchen-Buer (Zeche Bergmannsglück und Zeche Westerholt)
- Gelsenkirchen (Zeche Wilhelmine Victoria)
- Gladbeck (Schachtanlage Zweckel und Schachtanlage Scholven)
Hibernia was also a ship operator and a producer of chemical items (artificial rubber).
It will be difficult to find more information as the Hibernia archive was burned in WW II. Every german loco had a boiler book with lots of Information which would be a very helpfull and maybe the only reliable source. Ask for this one at Cailfornia as the german guy (the famous Klaus Arnholdt) who sold all the german 600mm (and some 750mm and 900mm) steam locos to the US in the 1960ties always gave those books to the new US owner.
- can you please introduce the new owner to us (Peter Nott?) and post a newer picture of the locomotive?
- what kind of information are you looking for?
Hibernia AG was one of the biggest mine operators in the Ruhr valley with lots of coal mines where the Riesa might have worked. See:
[Sie müssen registriert oder eingeloggt sein, um diesen Link sehen zu können]
Here are their former mines (place/name of the mine):
- Herne (Zeche Shamrock 1/2 und Zeche Shamrock 3/4)
- Waltrop (Zeche Waltrop)
- Recklinghausen (Zeche General Blumenthal)
- Herten (Zeche Schlägel & Eisen)
- Gelsenkirchen-Buer (Zeche Bergmannsglück und Zeche Westerholt)
- Gelsenkirchen (Zeche Wilhelmine Victoria)
- Gladbeck (Schachtanlage Zweckel und Schachtanlage Scholven)
Hibernia was also a ship operator and a producer of chemical items (artificial rubber).
It will be difficult to find more information as the Hibernia archive was burned in WW II. Every german loco had a boiler book with lots of Information which would be a very helpfull and maybe the only reliable source. Ask for this one at Cailfornia as the german guy (the famous Klaus Arnholdt) who sold all the german 600mm (and some 750mm and 900mm) steam locos to the US in the 1960ties always gave those books to the new US owner.
- johnkenyonbrowningLorenschieber
- Anzahl der Beiträge : 14
Ort / Region : Australia
Name : 65
Anmeldedatum : 31.07.15
Re: Henschel Riesa 25212
Do 16 Apr 2020, 12:05
Lieber Rüdiger
Gut von euch zu hören.
Vielen Dank für die informative Antwort. Der Besitzer war Peter Nott, aber es wurde jetzt jemand anderem gegeben und ich brauche seine Erlaubnis, Ihnen seinen Namen zu sagen und ein Foto zur Verfügung zu stellen. Die Lok ist in einem schlechten Zustand.
Der Vorschlag, das Kesselbuch zu finden, ist sehr hilfreich und ich werde es weitergeben.
Können Sie Informationen über den Deutschen geben, der all diese Lokomotiven in den 1960er Jahren in die USA exportiert hat?
- hfb312Museumsbahndirektor
- Anzahl der Beiträge : 2445
Ort / Region : Frankfurt a.M.
Hobbies : Feldbahn (-dampfloks) und andere Oldtimer aller Art, Reisen, Fotografie
Name : in den besten Jahren
Anmeldedatum : 15.10.07
Re: Henschel Riesa 25212
Do 16 Apr 2020, 12:36
yes, it was Mr. Klaus Arnholdt from Buchhholz. He is an older man and I have not heard of him for one ore two years. I hope he is well?!
Before the first german railroad museum was founded he traveled and phoned around Germany (esp. big building companies) to find small narrow gauge steam locos just out of use and saved them from scrap. As there were no customers in Europe at that time he made good money selling them to the US.
Meanwhile three of those were taken back from the US by our Frankfurter Feldbahnmuseum. Maybe more to come back as the US owners now get older...if Peter does not grap all ot them.
Why did Peter sell the loco - because of 750mm?
yes, it was Mr. Klaus Arnholdt from Buchhholz. He is an older man and I have not heard of him for one ore two years. I hope he is well?!
Before the first german railroad museum was founded he traveled and phoned around Germany (esp. big building companies) to find small narrow gauge steam locos just out of use and saved them from scrap. As there were no customers in Europe at that time he made good money selling them to the US.
Meanwhile three of those were taken back from the US by our Frankfurter Feldbahnmuseum. Maybe more to come back as the US owners now get older...if Peter does not grap all ot them.
Why did Peter sell the loco - because of 750mm?
- johnkenyonbrowningLorenschieber
- Anzahl der Beiträge : 14
Ort / Region : Australia
Name : 65
Anmeldedatum : 31.07.15
Re: Henschel Riesa 25212
Sa 18 Apr 2020, 13:26
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- hfb312Museumsbahndirektor
- Anzahl der Beiträge : 2445
Ort / Region : Frankfurt a.M.
Hobbies : Feldbahn (-dampfloks) und andere Oldtimer aller Art, Reisen, Fotografie
Name : in den besten Jahren
Anmeldedatum : 15.10.07
Re: Henschel Riesa 25212
Sa 18 Apr 2020, 13:30
Oh wow, a real challenge.
A) What about the missing parts?
B) This is not a Riesa boiler as the regulator valve should placed on top of the steam dome and not at the bottom.
C) Which loco can be seen right hand side?
A) What about the missing parts?
B) This is not a Riesa boiler as the regulator valve should placed on top of the steam dome and not at the bottom.
C) Which loco can be seen right hand side?
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