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Simon Lomax
Männlich Anzahl der Beiträge : 5
Ort / Region : Derby
Name : Simon Lomax
Anmeldedatum : 28.10.19

Help request from England O&K RL1C Empty Help request from England O&K RL1C

Mo 24 Mai 2021, 19:26
Hi, we are restoring an O&K RL1C at Leighton Buzzard, and the parts described as Mitmerkmehrlotz are missing - item 15040 on the parts diagram. They are the couplings between the flywheel and the gearbox.

Can anyone help with a picture or a specification for these?

Many thanks,

Simon Lomax
[Sie müssen registriert oder eingeloggt sein, um das Bild sehen zu können.]
Männlich Anzahl der Beiträge : 1958
Alter : 28
Ort / Region : HZ Lauenburg
Hobbies : alles von 6,5 bis 1435 mm
Name : Felix
Anmeldedatum : 13.05.11

Help request from England O&K RL1C Empty Re: Help request from England O&K RL1C

Mo 24 Mai 2021, 19:54
Hello Simon,

originally, these are of flat steel plated on both sides with leather or rubber. As you say, they transmit the torque between the engine and the gearbox and should absorb shocks.
Nowadays, it is possible to replace then by rubber blocks with a textile inlay.

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