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Männlich Anzahl der Beiträge : 456
Ort / Region : Morlaix Frankreich
Name : Colin James
Anmeldedatum : 06.08.08

Gmeinder Tunnellok 25/30 PS Empty Gmeinder Tunnellok 25/30 PS

Di 27 Okt 2015, 17:15
Gmeinder Tunnellok 25/30 PS 43.58 min
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Männlich Anzahl der Beiträge : 713
Ort / Region : 74182 Obersulm
Hobbies : luftgekühlte VW,Feldbahn
Name : Jens 37J.
Anmeldedatum : 03.02.12

Gmeinder Tunnellok 25/30 PS Empty Re: Gmeinder Tunnellok 25/30 PS

Di 27 Okt 2015, 18:09
und bei 54.25min

Gruß Jens
Männlich Anzahl der Beiträge : 5122
Ort / Region : Bayern
Hobbies : FELDBAHN
Name : Sven/54
Anmeldedatum : 12.03.09

Gmeinder Tunnellok 25/30 PS Empty Re: Gmeinder Tunnellok 25/30 PS

Di 27 Okt 2015, 18:33
Arrow für den Link!

Grüße Sven K.
Männlich Anzahl der Beiträge : 456
Ort / Region : Morlaix Frankreich
Name : Colin James
Anmeldedatum : 06.08.08

Gmeinder Tunnellok 25/30 PS Empty Re: Gmeinder Tunnellok 25/30 PS

Di 27 Okt 2015, 18:43
....und 1.00.34...........
Männlich Anzahl der Beiträge : 456
Ort / Region : Morlaix Frankreich
Name : Colin James
Anmeldedatum : 06.08.08

Gmeinder Tunnellok 25/30 PS Empty Re: Gmeinder Tunnellok 25/30 PS

Mi 28 Okt 2015, 13:29
...und ..

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Jürgen Wening
Jürgen Wening
Männlich Anzahl der Beiträge : 2911
Alter : 55
Ort / Region : Rügland/Mittelfranken
Hobbies : Zu viele!
Name : Jürgen Wening
Anmeldedatum : 31.08.07

Gmeinder Tunnellok 25/30 PS Empty Re: Gmeinder Tunnellok 25/30 PS

Mi 28 Okt 2015, 14:14
Renovater, thanks a lot, beautiful!

That's exactly a sister of my own 25/30 PS Gmeinder loco.

Question 1: Can I please have a slightly better copy of that Comessa advertisement for our archive - and where/when was it published?
Question 2: When Comessa started to build self constructed locomotives in the late 30s, did they build a mining/tunnel model as well?



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Zuletzt von Jürgen Wening am Mi 28 Okt 2015, 15:11 bearbeitet; insgesamt 2-mal bearbeitet
Männlich Anzahl der Beiträge : 456
Ort / Region : Morlaix Frankreich
Name : Colin James
Anmeldedatum : 06.08.08

Gmeinder Tunnellok 25/30 PS Empty Re: Gmeinder Tunnellok 25/30 PS

Mi 28 Okt 2015, 15:03
Jürgen Wening schrieb:Renovater, thanks a lot, beautiful!

That's exactly a sister of my 25/30 PS Gmeinder loco.

Question 1: Can I please have a slightly better copy of that Comessa advertisement for our archive - and where/when was it published?
Question 2: When Comessa started to build self constructed locomotives in the late 30s, did they build a mining/tunnel model as well?


...the loco in the publicity above is a Gmeinder sold under the Comessa company....Locofox also sold Gmiender locomotives as in the film above......the image above is the best i have ! sorry....You have done a super job restoring your locomotive i would also like to see more photos of your Gmeinder electric trolley loco sometime....;
Jürgen Wening
Jürgen Wening
Männlich Anzahl der Beiträge : 2911
Alter : 55
Ort / Region : Rügland/Mittelfranken
Hobbies : Zu viele!
Name : Jürgen Wening
Anmeldedatum : 31.08.07

Gmeinder Tunnellok 25/30 PS Empty Re: Gmeinder Tunnellok 25/30 PS

Mi 28 Okt 2015, 15:08
Renovater schrieb:...the loco above is a Gmeinder sold under the Comessa company....Locofox also sold Gmiender locomotives......the image above is the best i have ! sorry....

Yeah, I know it's a Gmeinder sold by Comessa. But from approx. 1937 on Comessa built self constructed locos. So my question was - and still is - if Comessa also built locos to an underground design.

Thanks, so I'll take this image. Do you possibly know where and when it was published?

Eh, I'll take some more pics of my Gmeinder trolley wire machine for you. Now we've got enough space and rails to push it out of its dark prison anytime. ;-)

Zuletzt von Jürgen Wening am Mi 28 Okt 2015, 15:15 bearbeitet; insgesamt 2-mal bearbeitet
Männlich Anzahl der Beiträge : 456
Ort / Region : Morlaix Frankreich
Name : Colin James
Anmeldedatum : 06.08.08

Gmeinder Tunnellok 25/30 PS Empty Re: Gmeinder Tunnellok 25/30 PS

Mi 28 Okt 2015, 15:14
......i don't think Comessa built an underground design....i don't know when it was published, i also have somewhere other photos of this type of loco...i will try to find them..
Jürgen Wening
Jürgen Wening
Männlich Anzahl der Beiträge : 2911
Alter : 55
Ort / Region : Rügland/Mittelfranken
Hobbies : Zu viele!
Name : Jürgen Wening
Anmeldedatum : 31.08.07

Gmeinder Tunnellok 25/30 PS Empty Re: Gmeinder Tunnellok 25/30 PS

Mi 28 Okt 2015, 15:23
Thank you.

Now, Renovator, YOU'RE THE MAN! You might be able to answer an earlier question of mine!


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In short: I'm looking for the location of a manufacturer which is probably of both French and German interest: S.P.M.R.! Do you happen to know if they built their machines at Maizieres/Macheren or if this only was a minor workshop facility?

Cheers in advance!

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Gmeinder Tunnellok 25/30 PS Empty Re: Gmeinder Tunnellok 25/30 PS

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